Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A jury in Australia finds Cardinal Pell guilty of child abuse

But is he? Peter Wales, writing in Quadrant, thinks not.
The verdict revealed today is not an indictment of George Pell and the Catholic Church. It is an indictment of the media, whose vindictive witch hunt led to frenzied demands that someone, anyone, be punished. In this case the designated victim has done more than anyone to eradicate the very abuse for which he was laughably convicted.
An interesting article which underscores the fact that, however heinous the crime, it is vital to get the "justice" part right. It is doubtful that that occurred in this case.

(H/T to friend and commenter, Bruce).


  1. Pell has been #1 on the MSM's hit list for years. If his friendship with Tony Abbott is a factor, I wouldn't be surprised. The only surprise is that they didn't fling these charges at Abbott himself.
    This might be called Australia's version of the Kelly Michaels case.

  2. Pell was a staunch conservative (now silenced) among a soft liberal Catholic hierarchy here, so he has lots of enemies within the Church too. They want to blame celibacy for the Church's problems and see Pell as an obstacle. Funny how Buddhist monks and nuns have even stricter rules of celibacy than Catholics, and have done so for 2000 plus years. In the 'Royal Commission' of inquiry, a local Hindu swami was revealed to be a psychopathic abuser who even raped a woman with a loaded rifle. I wrote to them about pamphlets being sent to government schools in the 1980s from the (Government) NSW Dept of Education which were basically pedophile grooming instructions, encouraging teachers to have physical contact with children. I even know a couple whose boys were being groomed by a local public high school teacher. Yet despite this evidence of a wider problem the Commission chose to focus on the Catholic church, and just on things like Confession. So we could see in the end it was a 'progressive' witch hunt after their chosen targets.
