Moral of the story? Yes, it can happen here, and almost did: the planning of a bureaucratic, Deep State golpe de estado. The only thing that saved the country this time, IMHO, is that the actors included so many incompetents, from drama king James Comey to the grossly myopic, heavy-handed bad cop, Robert Mueller; not to mention a mainstream news media whose flagrant lack of professionalism and fairness would have embarrassed the worst of the old-time yellow-press moguls.
I think it's time for a dose of old school remedy for those who presume to govern us...

Update: Daniel Flynn at The American Spectator has more on Andrew McCabe's role in this shameful business.
Shame on all these failed conspirators and their abettors, and may these immoral people finally earn a long deserved legal and moral reckoning.
ReplyDeleteThey are demonstrably incapable of shame, and I fear that as long as the bureaucrats are in charge, their reckoning will have to wait until they step before God.
Bug-eyed Adam Schitt ain't giving up. He's going to spend the next two years (and gobs of taxpayer's money) examining, in minute detail, every financial transaction PDT has been involved in going back at least 30 years.
ReplyDeleteWe've had a lucky break of our own here in The Great South Land. The leftist opposition and a few leftist (ha ha) 'independents' pushed a bill through parliament last week that gives doctors the say-so on illegal arrivals being kept offshore. Demonstrating a hubris that was Hillarian in its breadth, they thought they had made law without the inconvenience of gaining power by election.
ReplyDeleteThe government's countermove put an end to all the fun. The camp on Christmas Island is being reopened for these 'medical emergency' cases.
Scott Morrison is starting to look like the Prime Minister we want and need. He's drawn a clear distinction between himself and Labor leader Bill Shorten. Shorten's chances of winning the election in May have been significantly diminished - he gambled, and lost. It's up to Morrison and the government now to make that loss stick every day until the vote.