Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Almost missed it!

Today is Dead Stalin Day! Celebrate accordingly.

Time to give this another whirl...Take it away, Ray!


  1. Jeebus, I missed Dead Stalin Day! I did watch a documentary on him yesterday, and celebrated that when he died, he lay dying of a coronary in a closed room for an entire day because no one had the courage to enter the room. Little icing on that destined-for-hell cake.

  2. Did you see the movie "Death of Stalin"? It was hilarious in a very dark humor sense, and full of vulgarity, especially f-bombs. I suspect the script has the "elite" of the USSR using that word in almost every sentence to bring out what a vulgar bunch of swine they were. Pretty good acting. The actors show what a bunch of cowardly third raters most of Stalin's henchmen were. Only the roles of Zhukov and Khrushchev rise above that. Highly recommended.
