Tuesday, March 5, 2019

And now a word from our sponsor


  1. My Dad's car back then was a 1940 British Standard Eight, canvass top flapping in the wind, holes in the floor you could see the road. Man we had fun in that thing. It was a step up from his motorbike which Mum made him get rid of along with his leather jacket. I have nostalgia for Australia's 'backwardness' days.

  2. I'm remembering my dad's old Dodge truck (also complete with holes in the floor). He used to let me drive it around the acreage across from my grandma's house (once a cotton field, ultimately converted to pasture) when I was maybe 13 or 14 years old. I would cruise slowly around the rolling land, hauling a load of hay or some salt licks for the cattle. Whenever they saw the truck, the cattle would start trotting in my direction. Glorious summer days, never to be forgotten.

  3. 1953 was a good year. :)

    I started driving a car in the field behind our house when I was around 13yo. It was a 1953 Ford 4-door with a manual three-on-the-tree that my dad used as his work car. I had been driving tractors for several years so it wasn't a huge deal, but it did feel good to add cars to my résumé.
