Thursday, March 7, 2019

Happy Feet Friday

Here's bandleader and tenor saxophonist Buddy Banks with some s-m-o-o-t-h post-war R&B, playing the "Banks Boogie" (1947).

Bonus video! You may think you know saxophones, but you don't know saxophones like Dr. Paul Cohen. In this video, four members of the U.S. Army Concert Band visit Dr. Cohen, who has what must be the largest private collection of saxophones in the world, featuring specimens from all the odd corners of saxophonia, including a slide saxophone and the gargantuan E-flat contrabass saxophone which, believe it or not, was originally intended for use in marching bands.


  1. But it's not just Friday, Paco - it's International Womens Day!

  2. Wow, sax to the max.
