Monday, March 11, 2019


J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades has a new moniker for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Chiquita Kruschev.

Also via Ace, a YouTuber who goes by the name of Mr. Reagan offers up a theory that AOC is truly a plant from left-wing central casting:

Update: Just so many good things at Ace's place. Oregon Muse (a/k/a Gorilla Pundit) perfectly sums up the Democrats' 2020 election platform: "We hate you, we *really* hate Jews, we hate babies, we hate America, and we want you to starve. Now give us all your guns."


  1. Chiquita Kruschev fits AOC to a T. I've started calling Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib the Jihadi Sisters as well.

  2. Outstanding! Unlike the ancient City of Troy, we are beset by numerous Trojan horses.

  3. Your Democrats and our Australian Labor Party are getting their ideas from the same place.
    With a federal election due this year Labor is promising more refugees, less reliable power supplies, and a good solid shafting of retirees.

  4. If just half of what Mr. Reagan was saying is true, that's some scary stuff.

    Seems appropriate they may have found AOC by holding a casting call, or what is also called a "cattle call". She has the looks of a model, but the brains of a heifer.

  5. Saikat Chakrabarti's name tells me he is an upper caste Bengali, these were based around Calcutta. Because Americans were outside the British Empire you didn't hear old stories about these people. Bengali upper castes gave the British so much hell they moved the British capital from Calcutta to Delhi just after 1900. Before that educated upper class Bengalis had already mastered English and were overtaking others in civil service exams, in the time of Queen Victoria. A century ago they were Marxist revolutionaries before the Russian Revolution. They rejected Gandhi in favour of terrorism. I lived in Calcutta 35 years ago under Communist rule. To advance they had to know chapter and verse of Marxist texts, they were the most knowledgeable Marxists. Of course there are moderates, Britophiles like Nirad Chaudhuri, and poets like Rabindranath Tagore. Don't underestimate them, US politics is child's play from their experience. Then there's Tamils like Kamal Harris, a different story just as weird:

    Punjabis like Nikki Haley are much more on our side. A Bengali intellectual though, opens the gates of hell. I'm sure he is the mastermind.

  6. Here's a list of prominent Chakravartis (various spellings):

    They aren't even among the top rank of Bengali intellectuals who have names like Bannerjee, Chatterjee, Mukherjee and Bhattacharya.

    Why did we abandon the British Empire?

  7. What I mean, under the British Raj they needed special permission to travel overseas.

  8. Outstanding points, Bruce. A lot of good food for thought.

  9. One thing I just noticed, Naren Bhattacarya aka M.N. Roy not only founded the Indian Communist Party but also the Mexican one in 1919 as well!

    A tale of infamy including being funded by the Germans back then to undermine the Allies:

    Everyone talks about Saikat's Subhas Bose t-shirt. Bose was a dangerous creep (a militant rival of Gandhi), but is a Bengali political saint who you can't 'diss' among them.

    Of course all these leftist parties split into rival factions, but I don't think anyone beats the list of Indian Commnunist factions:

  10. RE: Gorilla Pundit:

    That's an executive summary of the DNC 2020 elections campaign platform.
