Thursday, March 14, 2019


Friend and commenter Jeff wrote to say that he had tried to link one of my posts on Facebook, but that it had been blocked; seems that my post goes against their commie "community standards" (it was the one below about the U.N.).

This pleased me no end, and positively made my week! Paco: enemy of the people! What can I say?

Of course, I can afford to revel in my infamy; I am perfectly content with my group of 12 or so regular readers, have never commercialized my blog, and blog only as a hobby. But I can see how this would be a problem for someone with a big following and a lot of influence who may depend on social media for getting the word out - and it would be bad for the country if these voices were deplatformed, which seems to be the goal of outfits like Facebook, Twitter and so forth.

But for now, permit me to relish my outlawry.


bruce said...


rinardman said...

I am perfectly content with my group of 12 or so regular readers

You obviously appreciate quality, over quantity.

Altho, now that some of your writing has been banned by the Facebook, you may attract some new readers who like your new outlaw image.

Paco said...

I definitely prefer quality to quantity (unless, maybe, we're talking about food).

bruce said...

I busted a gut laughing at Mark Dice's 'Best of little Brian Stelter' youtube and wanted to post it on my Faceborg page, but no one knows Stelter over here. I just use FB to keep track of old friends these days, and their funerals (! heart attacks and cancer taking toll).

JeffS said...

Quality is definitely preferable.

Skeeter said...

Congratulations Mr Paco.
I've long referred to you as "my friend in Washington".
"My American friend who has been banned by facebook" it will henceforth be.

Spiny Norman said...

Banned for a simple statement of fact that embarrasses the international left? FB still calls themselves a "platform" and not a "publisher"? They're just begging to be sued.

RebeccaH said...

Fascistbook is only good for keeping up with the kids, grandkids, and pictures of the great-grandkids. Also, Schmuckerberg is in some hot water, I hear.

JeffS said...

More likely, Paco's blog is on Zuckerberg's watch list.

Or would that be a hit list?

Paco said...

Skeeter: Be sure to mention that, as a socially responsible outlaw, I rob from the rich and give to the poor!