Saturday, March 2, 2019

Sunday funnies

Spring is just around the corner; time to wash your yard.

Maybe that yarn about drop bears in Australia is true, after all.

Street art.

"Oh, wait! I'll just run inside and get a hammer!"

Can't wait until candidate Amy Klobuchar becomes the boss of America!

Related (from Powerline's "The Week in Pictures"); click to enlarge this message of support from some of Klobuchar's former employees:

I might - might - be able to beat one of these guys:


  1. Aussie drop bears seem to be rarer these days.
    Here's one caught on camera in 2004

  2. LOL, I remember that drop bear commercial from the old Spleenville days.

    Amy Klobuchar may protest that she's just an acceptably "tough boss", but she is never going to beat the internet memes.

  3. Teamwork can do wonders, eh?

  4. Klobuchar sounds like a real piece of work -- the sort that you want to recycle, and start with new stock.

  5. Speenville? Oh, my, yes.

    Whatever happened to Andrea Harris? Does she ever comment here?

    (Even my link is dead now. Now that makes me feel truly sad and empty. All those glorious, hilarious Magrok moments will be lost in time, ummm... like tears in rain.)

  6. Suds in the yard? I thought it was snow. Or tears in the rain, C Beams off the Tannhauser Gate... a civilization gone with the wind.

  7. Norman,
    If this is the same Andrea Harris, she suffered from breast cancer. Here is a 2018 post by her on The Tutu Project blog:

    I searched some, but didm't find a blog by her. I think she has other things to concentrate on now.
