Friday, March 8, 2019

You'll have to pry the hamburger from my greasy, dead fingers

This is my hill to die on: "Cory Booker Tells Meat Eaters Their Days Are Numbered".

I will fight the veganarchy on land and sea, on the beaches and in the mountains, in the supermarket and the convenience store. Give me Five Guys or give me death!

Don't let this man get his hands on your meat!


  1. ...he believes the world can’t keep providing enough beef and pork to satisfy meat cravings.

    Is he saying we've reached "peak beef & pork", like they used to say we would reach "peak oil" someday?

    I suppose someday the Dimocrat party will reach "peak stupid", but for now they seem to keep finding more reserves.

  2. Peak stupid is a renewable commodity.

  3. Or, rather, because stupid is renewable, there is no peak.

  4. Someone should remind Senator Spartacus that his namesake was a meat eater.

  5. No one will take a hamburger from my greasy cold hands. I'm taking it with me.

  6. He doesn't realize it is a Little Bighorn fight, and he is Custer.

  7. These guys even want to take away our cheese.

    1. There is a popular brand of beauty products called Beekman 1802 that is made from goat milk. It is sold on QVC (tv shopping channel) and the internet. People don't question what happens to the baby goats....

    2. They can TRY to take cheese, but like the mouse they will be snapped.
