Thursday, April 25, 2019

I suspect this exchange is...apocryphal

I'm not believing it unless Kristol can produce a tape: Bill Kristol and the "Reagan Republican" gate agent.


Steve Skubinna said...

Give him credit for finding another quotable source than the woke six year old on the subway. And anyway, Tom Friedman has the insightful cabbie angle copyrighted. And nobody's stupid enough to believe that Bill Kristol knows Spartacus' pal T-Bone.

RebeccaH said...

Bill Kristol talks to peons like gate agents?

Paco said...

I'm more surprised that gate agents would talk to idiots like Bill Kristol.

Veeshir said...

So 'apocryphal' means 'lying sack of lies'?
I did not know that.