Saturday, April 6, 2019

This idiot

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) plans to announce his candidacy for the donk nomination for president next week because why not?

Oh, and he's going to focus on gun control.

Not a bad idea. People need to learn that it takes practice to be able to consistently hit the target.


Jonah said...

Checking out his wiki history I'd say he's a slippery sumbitch. Never had an honest job of course, but he's aiming for 20 years out.

RebeccaH said...

Just remember before you give him the Nuclear Football, people. He threatened to nuke the part of the country that doesn't agree with him.

Paco said...

Oh, that's right, he's the guy who said the feds could always fall back on their nukes in the event of a civil war or something. Way to put the voters at their ease, doof.

rinardman said...

But Donald Trump is the one who's mentally unfit to be President.

bruce said...

Yeah these clowns spouting about who's 'mentally unfit to be President'. What a joke.