Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Paul Joseph Watson gets banned from Facebook and takes the opportunity to explain how conservatives (all fair-minded people, actually) need to rally against the arrogation of power by tech magnates and stop their war against the freedom of speech.

Another great reason to support Joe Biden for president: he wants to raise your taxes.

No reason he can't be both: "Mueller was either incompetent or a political hack".

An important "Duh" update from Alexandria Donkey Chompers.

So, maybe 50 years from now we'll have most of the details on the Deep State coup attempt? "50 Years Later, ABC 'Uncovers' 'Little-Known Story of Mary Jo Kopechne'".

I'd like to see supporting evidence, if you don't mind.

Wouldn't have worked, anyway, I'm thinking: "No, Australian soldiers aren’t banned from using slang around US Marines".

Reviving those lost skills: "How to Make Your Own Bacon".


Gregoryno6 said...

If I might add another ingredient to the mix...
Mark Latham's maiden speech to the Upper House of the New South Wales parliament, via Morning Mail.
Here's one politician with the spine and guts to stand against the idiocy of modern times.

Jonah said...

I miss Ozzie news, since Blair went full paywall.

RebeccaH said...

The fact that the Democrats are going all out to defend Alexandria Obviously-Communist should tell you that they've suddenly realized they tried to put lipstick on a pig. Unfortunately for them, she won't hold still or shut up long enough for it to work.