Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sunday funnies

Man, this vaping thing is really catching on...

That man! Latrine duty for a month!

Oh, my, you're so strong!

An ill wind is blowing through Australia's justice system (this, and the previous item, courtesy of David Thompson).

Bill Murray plays Rodney Dangerfield's psychiatrist.

George Wallace returns to Montreal.


rinardman said...

The appeal judges found Hingst "put the issue of Mr Short's flatulence to the forefront" of his bullying case, arguing that "flatulence constituted assaults".

Hey, SJWs think that unwelcome "hate speech" is violence, shouldn't unwelcome farts be considered hate speech, too?

Spiny Norman said...

I was disappointed to see that when Mr Hingst was let go from the company, the infantile Mr Short didn't get a fist square in the face.