Friday, May 24, 2019

The Re-reconquista

I guess patience pays off; looks like the Muslims are gradually taking over Spain, again.


Spiny Norman said...

Ah, the "men of no appearance" are at it again.

The kind of excruciating political correctness exhibited by both the Spanish government and the Spanish media is yet more proof that Moslem terrorism works as intended.

HAL9000 said...

In a just society the adult perps would be hanged and the juvvies deported ASAP. To paraphrase an old song:

To the politically correct twas Claverhouse spoke,
ere our country go down there are crowns to be broke.

A large part of the cravenness is owing to fear of being called a racist. At lower levels police could lose their jobs if deemed "islamophobic" by their superiors. Moral intimidation is even more insidious than physical.