Saturday, May 18, 2019

This a$$hole

Rep. Justin Amash, Vichy Republican from Michigan, has called for President Trump to be impeached.

Thanks, dickweed. Like we don't already have enough hyper-partisan Democrats bawling for the same thing.

Update: Guy's supposedly a "libertarian" Republican. I'm trying to remember the last time some libertarian's grandstanding did anything but benefit the Democrat Party.


JeffS said...

He's probably tanking in local polls, and decided he needs some attention.

RebeccaH said...

I'm with JeffS. Whenever one of these attention whores starts to fade, they spew out garbage so they'll be noticed again.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Devin Nunes also refer to Amash as "al-Qaeda's best friend in America"?

Spiny Norman said...

Oh, "Anon" is me. I've been having problems with the Disqus commenting system at multiple sites, so I deleted all my cookies, cache, saved passwords and everything else I could think of, and it still didn't fix all the Disqus problems, but now every site that uses Captcha is convinced I'm a bot, and it takes as many as 7 or 8 "captcha" screens before it lets me post - sometimes not even then.