Tuesday, June 18, 2019

And now, a word from our sponsor

(H/T: Friend and commenter Jonah, who brought Cal Worthington to my attention)


  1. I wonder which of those dogs would come running when he yelled, "Here, Spot!"

  2. I know that's supposed to be a "trained" tiger in the ad, but I just don't think I'd do that.

  3. The scratches on the hood were a conversation starter for sure. Not sure about the fishy smell from the seal.

  4. I'm a So Cal boy, Watched many a late movie with Cal and his dog Spot. Must be a million verses to the song. "if I can't sell you a car, I'll eat a bug", he was eating chocolate covered ants or something as one of his promotions. Cal always put a smile on my face.

  5. By a new car for your wife
    She will love you all her life
    Go see Cal
    Go see Cal
    Go see Cal

  6. (Life-long SoCal resident here) When I was a kid in the late-1960's, we had a mongrel dog that was genuinely goofy-looking: German Shepherd (body), Collie (head) and Basset Hound (legs - no, seriously). He was, naturally, named Spot.

    (By the way, Cal Worthington changed the way cars are sold over the entire nation. He was the first to realize that a car dealer could make way more money on the financing than on the car itself - the car was an excuse to make a loan.)
