Monday, July 15, 2019

The stupid, it blinds me

"It’s generally wise to study solutions to a problem and assess the successes and failures before taking a vote on it and putting a policy in place. But no one who has observed Austin’s mayor or city council over the last few years would look to them for wisdom."

Mayor Steve Adler, like so many leftist politicians, has taken pandering and virtue signaling to absurd lengths. The strategy, as always, is to implement the dream, and hope that reality eventually will conform to it. A quick glance in the direction of history would show that this rarely works.


bruce said...

Yes but a lot of voters seem impressed with promises of fairy-dust magic solutions. And they seem to have short memories, forgetting what's failed before.

Deborah said...

Austin is known for being weird, and are proud of it with the slogan "Keep Austin weird". Those of us outside Austin encourage them to keep the weirdness within their city limits.

Rural Texas is mostly Conservative, while Lefties control the cities.

Spiny Norman said...

Every state ought to have a "weird" city, as a "weirdness containment zone".

San Francisco has always been weird (look up "Emperor Norton"), but since the 1960s, with the invaluable help and encouragement of leftist Northeastern immigrants, the weirdness has metastasized into a virulent societal cancer, and all but ruined the formerly Golden State, transforming it into a leftist bureaucratic hell. The cancer is currently spreading throughout the western US.