Friday, August 30, 2019

Happy Feet Friday

The magnificent Nicholas Brothers perform one of their electrifying dance routines (from the 1941 movie, The Great American Broadcast)


Deborah said...

Fantastic! Another home run!

OT All our prayers and best wishes to you, Mrs. Paco, and all the Pacos as Dorian might hit NC.

Paco said...

I hope the thing decides to just barrel out to sea. But, in any event, we've got hurricane shutters and a gas-powered generator, so we ought to be fine.

Deborah said...

I'm with ya. Hope it goes out to sea. Of course, it might barrel across Florida into the Gulf. Do ya have enough cigarettes? Why don't more people install shutters? Are they pricey? All our best!

Paco said...

Quit smoking last year.