Sunday, August 25, 2019

I really liked him when he was with the James Gang. That guitar intro in Funk #49? Fabulous!

Oh, wait. Sorry. Different Joe Walsh. This one's a former congressman, a one-term wonder, who's going to challenge Trump for the Republican nomination.

So, the gnat and the tiger. This shouldn't last long.

Update: The Trump campaign inadvertently reveals the terror it feels at the thought of facing off against Walsh, as it responds - "Whatever".


rinardman said...

He'll be the darling of the MSM as their token anti-Trump Republican, giving him a few minutes of fame, then he'll quietly disappear when they lose interest in him.

ck said...

When I first became aware of him, I had to check to make sure he wasn't the guitar player. Much relief ensued, now I know most musicians are screw-looseky but I always likes Joe and hoped it wasn't him. BTW, I saw the James Gang but it was a while ago.

ck said...


Gregoryno6 said...

Like Scott Walker and Scott Walker...
In related news, former Vice President took the opportunity today to say a few words in tribute to Louis Armstrong, the first man on the Moon.

Paco said...

Armstrong's first words on the moon: "Crazy, Pops, crazy!"

Paco said...

CK: I saw them in concert somewhere; I believe it might have been Greensboro, NC (back in the day, that was Concert Central for our state). I think it was the last year that Walsh was with the band. I had a James Gang tape (eight-track!) that I practically wore out, as I cruised around in my Superbird, puffing on cheap cigars.

rinardman said...

Update: The Trump campaign inadvertently reveals the terror it feels at the thought of facing off against Walsh, as it responds - "Whatever".

LOL. Kinda reminds me of Gen. McAuliffe's answer to the Nazi demand that the Americans surrender Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge: Nuts!

Short, and to the point.

bruce said...

James Gang? We had Lobby Lloyd's Colored Balls back then:

Made the most of our lack of sophistication, I guess.