Tuesday, September 24, 2019

From mass hysteria, we move to mass projection

The climate cultists are probably only a step or two away from offering up human sacrifices at the behest of their teenage high priestess; meanwhile, American leftists continue to engage in acts of jaw-dropping projection, accusing Trump and conservatives of the sort of things of which they have long been guilty.


JeffS said...

Yeah, it's like the average IQ of the left is dropping precipitously.

No, wait, it IS dropping precipitously. Probably a side effect of all that white guilt propaganda.

Paco said...

As President Trump might say, in the IQ department, they have a lot of room for growth.

rinardman said...

I don't know about their IQ, but their common sense seems to be evaporating like the morning dew.

Spiny Norman said...

common sense seems to be evaporating like the morning dew

Pretty common when the gullible and credulous are subjected to relentless propaganda. All mass hysteria movements seem to begin this way.

Eric Hoffer had something to say about that almost 70 ago.

Spiny Norman said...

"70 years ago", actually.