Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Thanks for the advice, New York Times, I'm sure you've got our best interests at heart: "Media Attempt to School Republicans Is a Disingenuous Fraud".

It is a consummation devoutly to be wished, but I will believe it when I see it: "Flop Sweat Builds As It Sure Looks Like The Barr-Durham Probe Is Now A Criminal Investigation". Why am I not holding my breath? Because Washington insiders, themselves, are suspicious of the Deep State's willingness to police itself.

If this can happen in Texas, for godsakes, I'd say we've got worse things to worry about than Russian influence (more from Ace; the mother really is a monster, and if this kind of thing prevails, we will wind up with a society that isn't worth saving).

Too good to check: "Pork Fat is Officially One of the world's Most Nutritious Foods".

Funnyman Remy highlights the idiocy of Tweet-shaming.

Via friend and commenter JeffS:


RebeccaH said...

That's horrifying about that 7 year old kid. He's not even old enough to know what his mother is trying to do to him. Naturally it's a female judge who ruled on this. I am beginning to hate female academics, female politicians, and female lawyers and judges, because it seems like so many have bought into the femunist (not a misspelling) atrocity.

The Pierre photoshop was funny, though.

Skeeter said...

I don't need anyone to tell me that pork fat is nutritious. Anything that tastes that good has to be very good for you. This is the guide I have used throughout a long life.
The converse is equally true -- anything that tastes bad is almost certainly poisonous and should be avoided like the plague. That would, of course, include most "health" foods.

Paco said...

Skeeter: I am completely of your sentiment in this matter.