Friday, November 1, 2019

I think Joe Biden wants to restart the Vietnam War

But, since this is Biden, it's kind of hard to tell for sure: "I’m going to make sure that we rejoin the Paris Peace Accord on day one."


bruce said...

OMG, the PP accord, that was almost 50 years ago right? It's not the mistake, which we all might make, but the way he actually has no substance and is trying to bluff his way through, and getting away with it. It's the people who are supporting him. Twilight Zone stuff. dee-doo-dee-doo dee-doo-dee-doo (my version of the TZ theme).

rinardman said...

And on day two, he'll rescue the hostages from the American Embassy in Iran!

Veeshir said...

I just hope he undoes the Diet of Worms.
All that did was legitimize heresy.
That led to Lutheranism and climate denial.
You know he has his eye on the Magna Carta too.

bruce said...

'Diet of Worms' always cracks me up, I know I know, still.

Gregoryno6 said...

Diet of worms is no laughing matter, Bruce!

Paco said...

See you all at the Buffet of Bugs!

RebeccaH said...

Climate change hardest hit.

JeffS said...

Wut? Say wut, Joe? I was still in high school when the Paris Peace Accords were signed.

Spiny Norman said...

"A Diet of Worms and the Defenestration of Prague" was the title of a Natural History essay by Stephen Jay Gould.

Spiny Norman said...

Forgot the linky thing:

bruce said...

Martin Luther was a pretty cool dude.
"Here I stand, I can do no other"

From my Irish Catholic upbringing I've finally got to appreciate him now I'm older, reading both sides and more. Everyone raves about Galileo (who taught astrology and was buried with his devout daughter who was a nun). Luther was the original freedom-loving individualist dude we should actually celebrate. Not so sure about the revolution he set off, but that's how history goes.