Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Brilliant strategy or extreme panic attack?

"Pelosi Reportedly ‘Considering’ Impeachment Delay".


Gregoryno6 said...

Nancy hasn't had a moment of brilliance since the election of PDJT. As Gunnery Sergeant Hartman would say, that kind of narrows it down.

bruce said...

The whole Russian collusion case was because of Hillary's illegal email system. They tried to impeach Trump using Hillary's corruption.

Now they want to impeach him for asking about Biden family corruption.

In which alternate universe is this 'rule of law'?

Coincidentally I'm reading Kafka's The Trial.

RebeccaH said...

I think whatever they do, it's not going to look good for the Dems. Most people have lost interest in impeachment (or are downright sick of hearing about it, as I am), but they still see the pie-in-the-sky promises the Democrat candidates are spewing out, and they still see the violence committed by far left activists that isn't being condemned by the Democrats. They don't seem to realize it, but they have way more problems than just a witch hunt that's been going on for three years.

bruce said...

New twist:

She may be shrewder than we realised, people who hold a position like hers often are. If this works and Mitch folds, she gets to be queen. Pretty nifty.

bruce said...

Aha! -but:


JeffS said...

What a lot of people don't realize is that the specific rules that Congress runs on are NOT in the Constitution, but a separate document, somethinkg like a "Robert's Rules Of Order" at the federal level. Those are derived from the Constitution, which (if I may briefly pose as a Constitutional scholar) explicitly split the Legislative Branch into two houses.

The two legislative houses are separate and decidedly not equal. Deliberately so. That's because the Founding Fathers, specifically those framed the Constitution, didn't trust a national government. And they were right not to.

Unless there are specific rules saying otherwise, and if McConnell has the balls, he could proceed with the trial at any time. Regardless of what those clowns in the House think, say, or do. He would need the cooperation of the Chief Justice, however (yet another check and balance -- imagine that) -- that could be problematical.

It sounds like the democrats are still trying to control the narrative (with the full cooperation of the media), but (following from Bruce's Breitbart link) they shot their foot off with their holding the formal impeachment vote. Clearly, the clowns in the House of Representatives did not think this through.


Spiny Norman said...

... if McConnell has the balls, he could proceed with the trial at any time. Regardless of what those clowns in the House think, say, or do.

I think he was very broadly hinting (yesterday? Tuesday?) that he intends to do just that. He hasn't been shy about telling everyone in the media that he believes this whole debacle has been a farce from the beginning, and wants it finished - so much so, much to the chagrin of many of us who'd like to see the Cabal forced to testify under oath, he has no real desire for any witness testimony at all.

JeffS said...

Yes, McConnell was hinting just that, Spiny.

But testicular fortitude tends to be a transitional condition with Republicans. Hence my caveat.

My motto is "Plan for the worst, hope for the best".

Spiny Norman said...

Well, the Turtle gave an excellent speech on the Senate floor today, so I think he's found his nads.

RebeccaH said...

Pelosi wants to delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate because she knows the Senate will shut it down, either by outright acquittal, or by holding the trial in which the House Demidiots' flying monkeys will be compelled to testify. Either outcome is bad for the Demidiots, so she's trying to hold it off unless she can dictate the terms of the trial, which she knows McConnell will never agree to. Even suggesting such a thing is hubris in the extreme, but she probably knows she doesn't have any choice.

I look forward to Pelosi's immense pain when she has to give up that gavel.

Gregoryno6 said...

"I look forward to Pelosi's immense pain when she has to give up that gavel."

Conjures an image of where the gavel has been shoved prior to the giving up. Or maybe it's just me.