Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How do you like it, boys?

Decades ago, William F. Buckley, Jr., from the platform of his magazine, National Review, read the John Birch Society out of the conservative movement.

Today, Ace of Spades, Julie Kelley, Mollie Hemingway, Sean Davis and others are reading the National Review and its NeverTrumper grifter spawn out of that same movement.

And it is a thing of beauty.


bruce said...

At a glance, French makes me want to puke. Had to find out more, so he's 'Evangelical Christian' - Look no offence to anyone, but I've been reading how some really vocal Evangelical pastors are taking some pretty weird stances these days, especially about marriage and traditional roles and stuff.

There are a big bunch of Calvinist and Southern Baptist men who are fed up with being blamed every Sunday for the world's ills, by pastors twisting the Bible to appeal to younger more liberal 'entitled' congregations. So being religious isn't necessarily a plus any more.

Spiny Norman said...

Woke Pastors. Great.

Stalin tried to utterly destroy the Russian Orthodox Church, but died of a stroke (struck down?) before he could complete the task. His successors found it more effective to co-opt it for their own purposes. Today, it is an arm of the Russian ruling oligarchy.

I see disturbing parallels here.