Thursday, January 16, 2020

Not far off

"Somber Impeachment Ceremony Concludes With The Impeachment Dancers".

What with the parade of mental midgets and fancy ceremonial signing pens, I think Pelosi was kind of going for this effect...


bruce said...

Ptolemaic Egypt, San Francisco, Cleopatra, Queen Nancy, I'm seeing parallels.

Give Nancy credit she put down the AOC gang-of-4 insurrection and is the star of her show again, just like Cleo dealing with the Romans.

It doesn't take brains as much as instinct and cunning.

Deborah said...

Currently, it is Thursday night. After signing the impeachment articles, Nan said it is not about proof, it is about allegations.

Says it all.

JeffS said...

San Fran Nan wants to be Queen, but hasn't the leverage to pull it off. If she hadn't been elected as Speaker, she would be the court jester.

RebeccaH said...

And just like Cleopatra, Nancy's crown is crooked.

Gregoryno6 said...

Elsewhere the parade got a variety of orchestral accompaniments.

Deborah said...

My favorite clip is the bird's eye view of the articles being walked over to the Senate, with the Darth Vader theme playing. It was easy to picture Darth and the Emperor leading the procession.