Monday, January 13, 2020

Possible sideline

Our neighborhood has this email set-up which permits people to ask questions, issue comments, vent, make announcements and so forth. It is a rich field for the mining of new ideas, educational opportunities and unintentional comedy.

Today, someone sent out an email asking if anyone knew of a person qualified to smudge her new condo. I was baffled by this request and had to look up the term "smudging". Turns out it's a ritual used in certain religions - and, naturally, as a New Age practice - for ridding places of negative energy, evil spirits and the like by burning sage, cedar or other plant material. I'm giving some thought to sticking a couple of crow feathers in my hair, donning a cape made from old rice sacks and offering my reasonably-priced services. Could be pots of money in it.

It's ok, I'm workin' here.


JeffS said...

You'd make a fine shaman, Paco! Just leave the fedora at home for any smudging.

Paco said...

You got that right! It's practically impossible to find a place that cleans hats these days.

rinardman said...

I don't know if my place needs a smudging, or not. Is there a minimum IQ level needed to recognize when I need a smudging? Am I too stupid?

Paco, you need to include a inspection service to help people like me determine when we need a smudging. At a reasonable fee, of course.

bruce said...

What will they think up next?

Jonah said...

The Aubry/Maturin novels had an episode like that, Maturin cleared an evil spirit from the bowsprit with flares and chanting to the crew's, and Aubrey's, relief.

Deborah said...

New Agers appropriated smudging from Indians in America. They appropriate all their practices without full knowledge.. Sage is commonly used, but it depends on certain factors that New Agers don't consider. There are Indians in South America who wear fedoras and use tobacco. but with the anti-tobacco mindset here.... Just stick to your tradition; Holy Water.

RebeccaH said...

Why didn't I think of that? I used to grow sage in my herb garden, you can't go much lower in overhead than that. Don't forget to take along some Paco's Automatic Crystal Optimizers to keep the recently smudged spaces clean of evil spirits.