Saturday, February 15, 2020

Are you kidding?

Mike Bloomberg is apparently considering Hillary Clinton as his VP.

Actually, I think this is just an attempt to gin up more chatter about his campaign - because here's my true man-on-the-street opinion: this would be a suicidal move by Bloomberg. And by suicidal, I don't mean in a figurative sense.



I'm just sayin'...


JeffS said...

And by suicidal, I don't mean in a figurative sense.

I dunno, Paco -- Mini Mike has a lot more moolah than Billary and her spousal unit. He can afford 24 hour security, food tasters, etc.

On the other hand, Billary and Bill have the connections and, shall we say, The Touch? As in, "Whomever they touch, dies".

This could be something of a death match -- something that some entrepreneur might sell tickets and make (ahem) a killing!

Spiny Norman said...

Who does Mini Mike think really wants to see America's Ex-Wife in the White House again?

Paco said...

America's Ex-Wife


Gregoryno6 said...

If the unthinkable happened and Bloomberg won, he wouldn't survive to Inauguration Day.
Hell, he'd be lucky if he was around for Thanksgiving.

Deborah said...

She'd bring in her supporters, and check off a Democrat goal. As long as he understands that he would be PINO (President In Name Only), everything would be fine. He'd have to also understand that he'd have to tow the line or, have a late night rendezvous in a park or orchard.