Thursday, February 27, 2020


It's kind of like watching the Anarcho-syndicalists fighting with the Communists as the Second Spanish Republic collapsed in the last year of the Civil War: "Cops repeatedly called on Bernie backers".

I love it when you can root for both sides! (Or against, for that matter).


Spiny Norman said...

Insert {Let them fight] meme here.

I can't decide which will be more delicious, Bernie winning the nomination and Trump winning 47-48 states, or Bernie losing the nomination, his rabid supporters rioting in Milwaukee, and Trump winning 47-48 states.

Paco said...

It's an embarrassment of riches, to be sure!

rinardman said...

My only concern with the Dimocrat's clown show is that when they get to the convention, they'll just ditch Bernie (or any other of the current losers) and nominate M. Obama.

She's like catnip to Dimocrats, and the only person that I think could challenge Trump.

RebeccaH said...

If Sanders loses the campaign for Democratic nominee (and he most likely will because he's too old, too communist, and destined to drop dead from heart disease any day now), his crazy supporters will scream that he was robbed just like last time, at which point they'll find someplace where the police will let them riot and start breaking windows like crazy.

Jonah said...

I don't get the M. Obama catnip thing, where do you see that?

Veeshir said...

I'm looking forward to Bernie getting boned at the convention and a bunch of Bernie Bros rioting and causing mayhem, maybe some Antifa types (there has to be some crossover) getting into it. It'll look like Paris with all the car-b-ques.
The funniest part will be watching our fine media betters blame Trump for the violence inherent in leftism.