Thursday, February 27, 2020

Talk about living the dream

"Dave Ayres, a 42-year-old Zamboni driver-turned-hockey legend".

H/T: Friend and commenter JeffS.

P.S. I wonder if they have these emergency players for hot dog eating contests.

The scene: the Eastern North Carolina Hot Dog Eating Championship

Contest Judge: Ok, we're about to start. Where's Chew-Chew Johnson?

Assistant: I just learned that he's been scratched, sir; a bad case of constipation.

Contest judge [looking around desperately, spotting me in the front row]: Hey, you!

Me: Who, me?

Contest judge: Yeah, you. From the way that bench you're sitting on is sagging, I'd say you've had some relevant experience. How'd you like to compete in today's contest?

Me: Boy, would I!

Contest judge: Alright, then. Suit up!


JeffS said...

I'd sub for a pie eating contest!

bruce said...

Is mustard allowed?

Spiny Norman said...

I like pie.

Paco said...

Bruce: Mustard is mandatory!

Jeff and Spiny: How about a hot dog/pie double-header?

JeffS said...


RebeccaH said...

I can see it now: a T-shirt emblazoned with Paco's face complete with fedora, and the legend "Eastern North Carolina Hot Dog Eating Champ". They'll outsell Che shirts for sure! What a golden opportunity for Paco Enterprises. Meet me at the usual place, Mr. Paco sir, and we'll discuss terms.

Paco said...

Check's in the mail!