Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Let's not forget

A Democrat victory in November would mean the triumph of some of the worst people in the world.


  1. Here's ppreaching to the choir. A Democrat victory on any level advances their agenda. The only businesses they support are the murder of children, and schemes that line their pockets.

    I am a former Democrat. God, please forgive me. I will never vote Democrat again.

  2. A Democrat victory on any level advances their agenda.

    If they managed to nationalize California's no-ID ballot harvesting scam in this bill, none of the others even matter.

  3. Trump and the Clintons were at one time very close; Bill and Hillary Clinton having the pride of place at the Trump wedding.
    I can't help but believe you U.S. patriots are getting screwed...again.

    1. Mike, being friends doesn't mean agreement. Trump has done a lot of good for the USA, and the world. The only way we could be screwed would be Democrats winning at every level.

  4. Mike,
    Trump bribed the Clintons that was half their relationship, appearing with him and going to his wedding(s?) was the other.
    It doesn't mean they're friends.

    Trump is a huckster, having Presidents Clinton show up at his wedding is great for a huckster. "Look at me! I hobnob with Presidents!"
    I wouldn't read anything more into it.
    Our fine media betters don't bring up all the bribery cuz he mostly bribes Dems, as you have to do to do business in NYC and NJ.

  5. I hope you guys are right and Trump really is a patriot.
    There's just a lot of strange stuff happening lately.

  6. There's just a lot of strange stuff happening lately.

    So it's not just me?

  7. There's just a lot of strange stuff happening lately.

    Like Jack-Jack and his freaked-out babysitter Kari?
