Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A taste of the totalitarian temptation close to home

Raleigh police: protests are a non-essential activity.

Ominous. One wonders what future crisis may be used to render the First Amendment irrelevant.

Elsewhere, Gauleiter Whitmer continues to pick and choose among products she thinks her constituents ought to be able to buy: "Crackpot Michigan Governor Whitmer Bans Motor Boats and Jet Skis But Not Canoes and Sailboats… Just Because".

1 comment:

  1. AZ is weird. You can't go to the Tonto National Forest where you can be a mile or ten from the nearest human, but you can go camping at a campground at Lake Pleasant north of Phoenix where you are 10-30 feet from your neighbor.

    We went there. Nice place.
    Pro-Tip: Don't feed the wild donkeys. They're basically half-ton raccoons who will trash your site.
