Friday, April 3, 2020

God forgive me...

...but I am really starting to hate this woman: "Pelosi Announces 'Bipartisan' Committee to Investigate Federal Response to Coronavirus".


  1. Rolling lockdowns? WTF? Is that anything like the "rolling blackouts" we in California have come to know and love?

    Heard something on Hannity a bit ago, as to why NYC is getting hit so hard by this outbreak, while LA has seen a comparative tiny fraction of it: the predominance of crowded public transportation and crowded elevators in NY, of all things. In La-La-Land, our cars are like our own personal isolation chambers, and very few of us work in buildings tall enough that most people ride elevators.

    Where do most air travelers from China to the US land? LAX and SFO.

    Despite predictions to the contrary, I think the coronavirus outbreak has already peaked in CA, probably in February, but it wasn't much tested for then, if at all. The recorded numbers are going up at the moment because far more people are being tested now. I'd wager a lot of the deaths of elderly people in Jan/Feb to "flu-related" symptoms (pneumonia) were actually COVID-19. They just weren't tested.

    I strongly suspect I've already had it, because I had a terrible case of bronchitis in the first 3 weeks of February. It was bad, but being a stubborn ass, I never went to the doctor, just took a double dose of Mucinex and cough suppressant (and bottle after bottle of Pepto-Bismol). The few times I went out on work assignments, I wore rubber car mechanics' gloves wiped down with rubbing alcohol and a sawdust mask, so as not to expose anyone to the nasty flu I thought I had. I've since talked to a couple of other people who were also really sick about the same time.

    1. I suspect that I may have had it early last year. It was bad. The doctor at the clinic gave me a couple prescriptions, and with soup, rest, and time, it passed. Now it is being said that it may be possible to get it again. God forbid!

      Last night, a House episode referenced Coronavirus. I nearly fell out of my chair. That was from 1992!

  2. Spiny, sounds like that might have been a close call! Are you a 100% now?

  3. Oh yeah. The end of the symptoms was quite sudden, literally overnight. I was still feeling pretty sick one day, then I managed to sleep for 7-1/2 hours straight (no waking up coughing), and in the morning it was completely gone. Like it never even happened.

    I had been sleeping in the recliner, because sleeping lying down in bed was impossible - the coughing started almost immediately and would not stop.

    1. The coughing was so bad that I was admitted to hospital. They thought it was my heart and wanted to do tests, including a cardiac cath. It made no sense how could it be done because I couldn't lay down and was coughing. But hey, what do I know. Luckily, the head of the cath lab came in, and agreed. He also said it wasn't necessary, so go home, get well, then return. Thank God for that man! I didn't go back.

  4. I heard on the news this morning that we're still at least 2 weeks away from an antibody test, to test people to see if they've already had it.

    I'd love to find out if I did and am no longer capable of carrying it (and spreading it). I hope they issue little "get out of COVID jail free cards" so I can do my job.

  5. Just now starting to hate Pelosi? You're behind the curve.

    Just seeing a picture of her has turned my stomach, for years now. And her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, on steroids.

  6. I have a hard time actually hating anybody. I might dislike someone, even intensely so, or I might despise him (or her); however, hatred typically isn't my thing. I have always had the most robust dislike for Pelosi and her politics. But, now, her larger-than-life sense of entitlement, her complacent assumption that she was born to assert unchecked power, her twisting of law and procedure, her partisan weaponization of the House of Representatives - all of these things have come together to push me in the direction of genuine hatred because she is now, more than ever, an existential threat to liberty.

  7. Everyone talks about Nancy's eyes, but I find her playing with her dentures to be, to be... well, fascinating for a elected official from the most powerful nation on the planet. It might be a signal. I just haven't figured out the meaning.

  8. Rinardman "nails on a chalkboard, on steroids" is accurate.

  9. I saw a comment elsewhere to the effect of 'Come take your bride, Lucifer' and I figured well, if Splitfoot Himself doesn't enjoy her company, why would anyone else?

  10. There is something seriously wrong with Pelosi(and her best buddy Schumer).
    These people need exorcisms.

    Ephesians 6:12, KJV: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  11. Hey, guys, look up: "The event 201 scenario"

    Bloomberg and Gates feature prominently.

  12. I have no problem hating people who earn my hatred, and Nancy Pelosi did that years ago.

    My daughter, son-in-law, my grandchildren and their children, all had a really nasty flu in January. I'm wondering now if it really was Covid19, because I think it's been here longer than they said, given that the Chinese tried to hard to hide it. (coronavirus is actually the name of a number of respiratory viruses, including flu and the common cold). This latest version is called Covid19, Wuhan flu, Chinese flu, or my favorite, Kung flu, and it's just a new strain of coronavirus.

    People are starting to examine the numbers, and it turns out that a whole lot of infections and deaths attributed to it are being included in Covid19 statistics without testing to determine if it really is Covid19.

    I've come to believe now that this pandemic freakout is more political power flexing rather than the Black Death they're trying to make us believe it is. Incidentally, I've also started calling Covid19 the Yellow Journalism Death.

  13. I'm hearing some rumors to that effect, Rebecca. And people I know had a nasty flu last December. So this may be the second COVID-19 wave, or it just took a while to really take hold.

    As for the power play .... .... yes, it is, in some areas, at least. Certainly our illustrious governor, Jay "Scooter" Inslee, doesn't mind playing with a heavy hand on the private sector, while favoring his union buddies.

  14. Well.

    I spoke to a woman today who had the same symptoms I had, a couple of weeks after I did. She actually tested positive for COVID-19, and likely gave to her 65-year-old father, who is currently in the hospital on a ventilator. His doctors are optimistic for his recovery, though. She didn't say if he was getting the hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin treatment, but I think he is (about 75% of doctors here in CA are prescribing it).

    Of course, Yahoo News is still insisting there is "no evidence" that it's effective against COVID-19 at all, despite highly successful small-scale trials in a number of different countries. Bad Orange Man thinks it's promising, so it must be useless.
