Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Now that Biden's all alone behind the wheel of the Democratic Presidential Clown Car (and, no doubt, driving very slow and in the wrong lane), Barack Obama is suddenly proud to endorse his "close friend".


  1. Imagine Joe Biden in the Oval Office calling his good friend Barry every day for advice on what to do. If that doesn't give you the shivers, I don't know what will.

  2. Well, Rebecca, I had a similar thought, but my thought was that Obo the Clown would probably be the one doing the calling, to tell Joe what he was supposed to think, say, and do that day.

    You know, just out of the goodness of his heart.

  3. Hell, r-man, Obama will want to be a paid consultant, with office space in the West Wing. His spouse, whatshername, will want an appointment, probably on Biden's cabinet.

  4. Anonymous above was me. Stupid CAPTCHA.

  5. I'm not sure Obo & My Belle would wanna leave their $14M ocean front mansion when they can just phone it in. I mean, they don't have much time to enjoy it before it's under water from the sea levels rising!

    1. True. And they have only eleven years left.

  6. Good point, r-man!

    But Obo and The Wookie would want a desk with their names on them, y'know, just in case they drop by.

  7. Imagine Joe Biden in the Oval Office calling his good friend Barry every day for advice on what to do...

    Biden (on the horn to Barry): Barack! Thank God you're there! I'm on my way to a state dinner and I've got a few questions. Now, which one is the salad fork? And what kind of knot should I use when I tie my napkin around my neck? Oh, and is ketchup considered a valid steak sauce?

  8. Paco, Biden isn't just driving slow in the wrong lane, he's going the wrong direction.
