Tuesday, April 21, 2020

If it hadn't been for her family's political influence and wealth...

...I could envision Nancy Pelosi becoming the bitchiest member of a tony, suburban Maryland realty firm. She just so looks and acts the part.

Unfortunately, she's the Speaker of the House, and speaking lies and nonsense on a daily basis. BTW, here's another example of how stupid Pelosi really is: "Let them eat ice cream". Seriously, how do you NOT see that this is giving your enemies substantial ammo to use against you?

Speaking of other intellectual mediocrities who pretty much just stumbled into successful political careers, I'm just Biden my time.

Update stevew in the comments: "She has no enemies, in number large enough to matter, among the people that elect her to office."

Absolutely correct. What I should have said is that Pelosi's stupidity plays into the hands of Republicans, who can use her as a club against the Democrats, in general.

She certainly doesn't, as stevew points out, have to worry about any natural political predators. She's as safe as can be. In fact, I wrote many years ago (I believe it was when McCain was running, or rather, pretending to run, for president), that Pelosi could burn down an abortion clinic owned by half a dozen gay doctors while wearing a Sarah Palin t-shirt and not have to worry about losing her seat.


  1. Evelyn Harper was much warmer.

  2. I notice she's put on a little weight lately. Too much ice cream?

    1. That and the chocolates. She probably downs the goodies everytime Trump and the GOP upset her, or she can't get the Botox. The liposuction machine might have broken down.

  3. Yeah, she does seem to have put on a few extra pounds. Ice cream will do that to you.

  4. She has no enemies, in number large enough to matter, among the people that elect her to office.

  5. Is this one of those situations where the witch dies and suddenly everyone in the kingdom starts shaking their heads and looking around in confusion? The spell lifted, everyone lives happily ever after?

  6. Yes, I agree with your update sir. Trump is using her to his advantage already. Let us pray that she continues to give such fodder.
