Thursday, April 30, 2020

Just plain dumb

But it's Biden, so no surprise: "Biden Taps Chris 'Waitress Sandwich' Dodd To Vet Women Running-Mate Candidates".
Why pick Dodd at all? He’s been out of Congress for nearly a decade, and presently works as a Hollywood lobbyist. Dodd is a Beltway barnacle, having inherited the Senate seat from Connecticut from his father, the kind of establishment insider that populists loathe. Even without the #MeToo hangover, Biden’s pick of Dodd puts his campaign into nostalgia mode, perhaps even for a pre-Barack Obama Democratic Party — where the Clintons and the Kennedys rode herd.

That pales in comparison to Dodd’s history with Ted Kennedy, however.
Read on.

H/T: Ace


  1. I'd call it chutzpah, but that's insulting to Jews everywhere and anywhen.

  2. 'Dodd is a Beltway barnacle, having inherited the Senate seat from Connecticut from his father..'

    - Got to keep the nepotism in the family.

  3. That's Chris Dodd, Senator for Countrywide.

    Even his Democrat colleagues in the Senate called him that, since everyone knew he was in Angelo Mozilo's back pocket.

    (Mozilo, former CEO of Countrywide Home Loans/Countrywide Financial, once "gave" Senator Dodd a multi-million dollar estate in Ireland. No, that was NOT a "bribe", as his fellow Democrats will tell you if you ask.)

  4. Dodd's wife was Vice Chair of my agency's board of directors and COO many years ago. She was widely disliked, and some people at the executive level took to wearing ruby slipper pins, a secret sign that they considered her something of a witch. I heard that the Chairman had serious issues with her, and, although he couldn't do anything about her being on the board (these are presidential appointments requiring Senate approval), he did take the chief operating officer job away from her, and in a very unceremonious fashion. Apparently, he summoned her to his office one day, and as she entered he hit the "send" button on his email, informing her that she was being relieved of her duties as COO immediately, and that he had just sent out a bank-wide email to that effect.

  5. Isn't Angelo Mozilo the one who made that iffy deal with Barack Obama for a house in Chicago? The Democrat spiderweb is wide.

  6. I think you're right. There was also that funny business with the Irish "cottage".

  7. Actually, Spiny already mentioned the Irish property.

  8. Who else would Biden get to scope out the tomatoes.

  9. That's true, who better than Dodd?
