Monday, April 13, 2020

Maybe a good kick in the pants will get this clown's attention

Sooner rather than later, I believe Dr. Fauci needs to be shown the door. It appears that he's trying to cover up some of his own mistakes by attributing inaction to others, most notably, the president.

To whom he reports, I believe.


  1. Fauci is definitely engaged in CYA, because this disease hasn't turned out to be the apocalypse he and others told us it would be (based on computer models which in turn were based on China's lies). Now if only the government will start opening up the country before their lockdowns really do kill us.

    1. Texas Governor Gregg Abbot said he may open parts of the state by the end of this week. The parking lot of our Walmart makes it seem like folks think it has already happened. Three days ago, it looked like shopping just days before Christmas. Guess folks can't live without peeps, chocolate bunnies, and jelly beans.

  2. Here's my take. China is the originator of bad info about the virus. Trump wants to keep all the blame for bad info on China.
    So if he fires Fauci, that transfers blame away from China.

    Bad info went from China to Fauci. Then from Fauci to Trump.
