Friday, April 24, 2020

Ride her out of town on a rail, while you're at it

"Michigan lawmakers want to strip Gov. Whitmer of her powers".
Michigan lawmakers plan to strip Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of some of her powers on Friday, with her decision to extend the state’s stay-at-home order until May 15 sparking armed protests outside her home.
These Micro-Mussolinis need to be brought to heel, and pronto.


  1. Governor's aide: Governor, the peasants are revolting.
    Governor Whitless: You said it; they stink on ice.

  2. Does Gov. Whitless's aide sound like Harvey Korman?

  3. Spiny, exactly like Harvey Korman.

  4. Adolph Whitmer has already said she'll veto any law that takes "her" power away. I guess she hasn't clued in on what the voters think of her now.

    1. Weasel Zippers has a link to a Politico article that says everybody, Dem and Republican, loves Lack Whitmer.
      Seriously. It's about two steps worse than Soviet propaganda which at least admitted the existence of kulaks and sabateurs.

    2. Politic is not accurate, nor honest. (HT Richard McEnroe) I'm fairly certain that the "Republicans" are really RINOs.
