Saturday, April 18, 2020

The tiresomeness of the beta male in the public forum

When I first saw a reference to this Tweet, I thought our friends at the Babylon Bee had scored again. But no, this is something that the roly-poly Mr. Stelter actually typed for the world to see.
I crawled in bed and cried for our pre-pandemic lives. Tears that had been waiting a month to escape.

I wanted to share because it feels freeing to do so. Now is not a time for faux-invincibility. Journos are living this, hating this, like everyone else.
Yes, but "journos" like you still have paying jobs, for some reason, unlike millions of more deserving Americans who are facing extreme financial difficulties, at least partly because of the panic that "journos" like you have whipped into a suffocating froth of national paranoia that has shuttered thousands of businesses and led to massive unemployment.

So, Tubby McChrome-Dome, you just keep kidding yourself that you and your fellows are the modern equivalent of Ernie Pyle, and we'll keep writing you off as the worthless attention junkies you are.


  1. Stelter's inner marshmellow, who knew all that confidence masked such inner insecurity? So brave!

  2. I'm sure his fans are impressed by him sharing his little feelings with them.

    The rest of us are not so impressed. Or, even really care. Suck it up, buttercup!

  3. You don't get.
    He's more refined and intelligent so he feels it more. Heck, he feels it for us dull-witted brutes in the hoi polloi.
    You should be celebrating his Courage!, not deriding his utter lack of perspective, introspection or inflated sense of his own self-worth.

  4. With his pillsbury doughboy persona, you would never guess that Stelter is all squishy.

  5. The life of a shill for Chinese propaganda is tougher than we ever imagined.

  6. I LOVED that article! That's the America I know, and I hope the Stelters of the world haven't managed to smother it.

  7. Hey Spiny, been reading Posobiec? He's saying similar things to what I've been thinking about China (I also studied Mandarin and Sino-history). Apparently he was intel in the China office and has good criticism of their IC culture. He just said, 'Why didn't we have spies in the Wuhan lab...we paid for it...' - exactly!

    Even at my university 25 years ago, a fellow student was a spy, as a Chinese friend who escaped the CCP showed me. We were so naive.

  8. Here:

  9. Very true about China having spies everywhere. I've lost track of all the stories I've read about Chinese spies being discovered in the public and private sectors in the U.S.

  10. How many years was Diane Feinstein's personal chauffeur reporting back to Beijing? 20?

  11. bruce,

    Hey Spiny, been reading Posobiec?

    Occasionally, when someone links to him. I don't have much time for surfing the web, or more correctly, running down the rabbit hole. Other than here, and sometimes getting wound up in an argument with idiots (yeah, I remember what Twain said about that) on Twitchy, or with even bigger idiots on Twitter that were linked at Twitchy.
