Thursday, April 23, 2020

Trump has his work cut out for him

Donald Trump weathered the massive bias, mendacity and smears of the Democratic Party, the media, Hollywood celebrities, the academy, and the Deep State in his campaign for the presidency and his first three years in the chief executive position. It remains to be seen whether he will ultimately be done in by the coronavirus pandemic and the ramifications of our response at the national, state and local levels (in conjunction, of course, with the continuing bias, mendacity and smears of the Democratic Party, etc.)

But, here's the thing: I cannot even imagine a Biden administration. It's like the concept of living forever or surviving on a vegan diet or residing in San Francisco, just something I am totally unable to wrap my head around. I'm not at all suggesting that any of these things are impossible; I simply can't "see" them, if you follow me.

And I can't bring myself to see my country electing Joe Biden. Perhaps this is willful blindness on my part, or a form of wishful thinking. One thing I know for sure, though; such an outcome would be so grotesque, so inimical to the things that have made this country great, that it would be hard not to see it as the death knell of America. Biden is, as Stephen Green says, "Unfit to Serve by Any and Every Measure". Which, unfortunately, does not mean that he is, in fact, unelectable.


  1. Now just because I was totally wrong about Trump actually running for POTUS 4 years ago doesn't mean I'm wrong now.

    They're going to jettison Biden. They have to.
    Picture the first debate where Biden threatens to beat Trump up and talks about climate virus and Trump says, "This is cruel", takes off his mic and walks off the stage.

  2. Yeah, you're probably right. Never mind that the man was never presidential material; he just isn't mentally capable of functioning in the most basic way in higher office now.

    It'll be interesting to see how the donks pull it off. Maybe they'll have Obama give him a talk about withdrawing for "the good of the party".

    If, through some miracle, he does become the nominee, it's going to be hilarious watching the NeverTrumpers puffing the guy's "character" and "integrity" and "leadership". Biden will suddenly become the best person to "unify" the country. The melodramatic, dishonest op-ed pieces practically write themselves.

  3. Here's my theory, FWIW.
    This election campaign is being used to purge the decrepit Dems - Bernie, Fauxcohontas, Joe especially. Hillary talks big but I think even she's aware, somewhere in her corrupt consciousness, that she'd be setting herself up for another humiliation.

    In spite of the problems cause by covid-19, or perhaps because of them, Trump will be re-elected. The Democrat nomination for VP will be an interesting sideshow but it's a poisoned chalice. If Foggy Joe does oblige by passing away, whatever the cause, that VP will be tagged as 'Biden's killer'. That's going to make a great slogan for the Republicans in '24.

    The left also secretly want a second Trump win because one, it gives the backroom crew four years to prep their best candidate. Two, it gives the crazies another four years of tantrums and kicking the toys out of the pram.

    Come 2024, they hit reset with Gavin Newsom.

  4. But why the hell is Trump surrounding himself with scumbags like this Fauci guy(Trump said he likes him!) and "Ruby Ridge" Barr.
    Do an image search of "Fauci with Soros".
    Also, there's this video; the original was taken down by YouTube but here is a copy:

    Doesn't all this seem strange to you guys?
    I know there is little to no alternative to Trump as President but it's just all so bizarre.

  5. I for one look forward to Gropin' Joe, err... I mean Fightin' Joe Biden blathering about "the climate virus" in a Presidential debate, and then the media covering for him by going on about theories that "climate change" is responsible for the rapid spread of the the coronavirus (I've already seen the Twitterati post that, um... malarkey).

  6. Come 2024, they hit reset with Gavin Newsom.

    Gruesome Newsom, aka, Governor Pomade? Surely you jest. The guy is a prettier version of Sleepy Creepy Joe, and doesn't have senile dementia to blame for his blinkered idiocy.

    I have a wager with a friend of mine: I bet that 3 weeks after the last death in CA from COVID-19, Newsom imposes even more restrictions on the citizenry. I also firmly believe that CA will be the last state to fully "reopen". Yes, even after New York does.

  7. I agree that the DNC will find some way not to nominate Biden and instead shovel in some candidate who is at least awake. They must surely know that keeping Creepy Sleepy hidden from view isn't going to win him any votes, particularly since they have to let him come out eventually. If they do stick with him, then they have to find a way to quash the presidential debate, otherwise it will be a figurative bloodbath.

  8. Biden will pick Michelle Obama for his running mate. Every black person in the country will vote for the ticket plus all the liberals. On January 21 Biden is sworn in as President. On January 22 the 25th Amendment is invoked and Michelle is President.`
