Monday, April 27, 2020

What's next, Cuban-style block captains?

Snitch outs the Ms. Big of the Texas underworld: "Sting Operation to Stop Black Market Manicures".


  1. All my long life people have wondered how 20th century Germany could have allowed itself to be sucked in by Adolph Hitler, but have insisted that it could never happen here. And yet, the first signs are already appearing with this coronavirus. There are always latent dictators lurking in any population, but is truly astonishing (and frightening) that the population at large is going along with it.

  2. You know we're in deep do-do when it is happening in Texas. No doubt the Lefties are smiling at the success of their indoctrination. If Texas seceded (as some want) then it could issue passports, and that might keep some Common Core types out.

    Note: Texas is the only state that can legally secede because it was founded as a Republic.
