Saturday, April 25, 2020

You know what bothers me the most about our pandemicized society?

It isn't the shortage of toilet paper and hand soap and chicken-noodle soup, it isn't the masks and the gloves, it isn't even the prospect of actually getting sick. It's the damned TV commercials: the treacly-sad background music, the fiction that we're "alone together", companies patting themselves on the back because they're such good Samaritans, the notion that spending even more time than usual wallowing in the mud of social media is somehow beneficial - gag a maggot, just get off it. As good excuse as any to relax with a good book.


  1. Bingo bango bongo.
    I keep changing the channel.

    The NFL players talking about being confined to their mansions was especially sick making.
    Awww, poor baby. Stuck in your mansion with your 1,000 square foot gym, watching your 105 inch tv and swimming in your olympic pool must be rough.
    Jerry Jones on his yacht cracked me up. Poor guy is roughing it with only 5 or so servants.

  2. You guys still watch network TV? That's your first problem.
    The second problem is, you apparently don't use the mute button on your remote when a commercial comes on. I stopped listening to commercials many years ago.

    Yeah, I had to laugh when I first heard the "alone together" nonsense. As I've said before, we introverts prefer to be "alone alone", so don't try to drag us into your psychological self-healing pile of crap. Put on your big boy pants, and adjust to life as we know it.

  3. Don't watch network TV; I access various movies and TV programs through Roku, so I can fast-forward through commercials, sometimes. When I can't, muting is an option, of course, but I never seem to be prepared: I pick up the wrong remote, or can't find the mute button, or I'm in the kitchen making coffee, etc.

  4. Seeing those PSAs by people who are living in their mansions and still getting a paycheck especially sports reporters who seem to be particularly prone to virtue signaling, make me want to throw a shoe through the screen. This is why I DVR most everything I know I'm going to watch so I can FF through all that.

  5. I hit the mute button.
