Friday, May 29, 2020

Fake news at its stupidest

This reporter is standing in front of a building on fire and insists that the protests are "not, generally speaking, unruly".

Elsewhere, Paco World News Daily (PWND) has footage of an aircraft experiencing a slightly bumpy landing.



  1. I watched the NBC news feed on youtube last night.
    That guy said variations on "mostly-peaceful" a few times, all while standing in front of a block of buildings on fire.
    They had to run away from mostly-peaceful protesters once in a while and still both the reporters kept saying "mostly peaceful" over and over.

    Toward the end of the live feed you could see it getting very unruly. I texted my buddy they had better get out of Dodge. They started walking off and then the feed cut.
    If they got out un-beat-up it was an accomplishment.

  2. Meant to write,
    At one point I heard that reporter in the video at the link talk to a guy who said, "I'm an activist from Chicago" and they had a nice conversation about how the protesters were all justifiably upset and mostly-peaceful.
    It was a nice slippage of the mask.

  3. If they got out un-beat-up it was an accomplishment.

    Or, a disappointment, depending on your view of their reporting of that scene.

  4. Those fires weren't started by random rioters. Those guys are pros, no doubt some of the ringers that Soros sent in. Heard he flew a new bunch in from Chicago this morning. Attacking several large cities simultaneously is a pretty bold move, we'll see how it works out for old Georgie.

  5. For my money, George Soros is Public Enemy #1.

  6. Thomas Wictor made the case that in the Berkley and Portland riots there were many retired feds in the crowd identifying and collecting DNA samples from the ringleaders. I have a feeling that Trump knows everything about their organization and is, as usual giving them plenty of rope to hang themselves with. They'll all go down on federal charges and local judges wont be able to interfere. Already some blacks are starting to bitch about white liberals coming in from outside and burning down their neighborhoods. And Trump being Trump has no doubt been keeping a close eye on Soros for the last 25 or 30 years. Like Steve Wynn said years ago "Trump always has the best information".

  7. I've noticed that a lot of videos of the carnage in some cities show that the "protestors" are largely white college-age people. Antifa, perhaps, sans the black uniforms and masks? Bored college students following texts from their Marxist professors? Hey, there aren't any classes now, might as well.

  8. ck,

    Already some blacks are starting to bitch about white liberals coming in from outside and burning down their neighborhoods.

    From the videos I saw from Minneapolis, whites were rioting and burning, blacks were looting.

    Not 100%, but mostly.
