Friday, May 1, 2020


Hillary Clinton is supposedly "waiting for the call", as Biden continues to dissolve into a blob of incoherence.

Hillary just keeps on keepin' on.

H/T: Ace

Update Some valuable old gold courtesy of Veeshir, Lord of the DoublePlusUndead.

"Have you ever laughed so hard your soul came out your nose?"


  1. Oh please God no. Not Hillary again.

    She doesn't laugh, she cackles like a witch who successfully boiled a cat in her cauldron, and her soul wouldn't come out of her nose because she hasn't got a soul.

  2. The undead walk the earth ......

  3. My biggest desire is to see Hilliary somehow weasel her way into the 2020 election for President...and lose again! I think the thread tying herself and her sanity together would snap, and leave her a babbling patient in a mental hospital. And Bill would be the one thanking his lucky stars for his freedom.

    Back to reloading: here's today's video, if you haven't seen it. If nothing else, Jerry's videos give a good indication what can happen to your sanity (or maybe your good judgement), when you get involved in/consumed by this activity.
    Can you say "all in"? :)

  4. Love it! "All in" is exactly right.

    Back in the day, I hear tell that the Pacos and their neighbors used each other for bullet traps.

  5. Bet they had fun retrieving the bullets!

    "Hey, Pa, the Pacos got Junior twice in the leg."

    "Darn'em. Dig out those bollits, we need the lead!"
