Tuesday, May 5, 2020

One big ball of ineptitude, wickedness and mediocrity

Victor Davis Hanson very nicely sews up several themes - including the media, the absurd Joe Biden, the Mueller investigation, and the persecuted General Flynn - into one crazy quilt of leftist overreach: "Do the Media Even Exist?"
Reporters are journalists in the sense that Hollywood still believes it has actors and real scripts, or China still poses as an important contributor to the international community, or the World Health Organization assumes it is a go-to global health resource, or the FBI Washington hierarchy is a protector of American freedom, or John Brennan and James Clapper are distinguished senior “wise men,” or Barack Obama oversaw the most scandal-free administration in history.


  1. Sure but you can be 'doyenne of the Washington intelligentsia' as Ace just posted. Sort of like global prom-queen right?

  2. The word "doyenne" sounds like somebody jumping on a trampoline (doy-YENNE, doy-YENNE, doy-YENNE...)
