Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reporter shoots spitball, hits self

Ace has a good clip of Trump's Press Secretary, Kaleigh McEnany, turning a reporter's snarky question into a boomerang.

Also via Ace, the victim in the Kennedy/Dodd "waitress sandwich" scandal admits to being baffled by Joe Biden's decision to include Christopher Dodd on his VP search team (remember, Biden has committed to a female VP).

This one personnel decision, in and of itself, should utterly condemn Biden as an out-of-touch, unserious nincompoop (which we already knew as a result of all the other evidence that's plain as day).


  1. The Dodd thing makes total sense.
    Biden wants someone molestable. Who better than Dodd to pick one out?
    Don't say Clinton, just look at the women in his life, whether wife, joy-toy or rapee.

  2. I wonder if that reporter is a masochist, cause he just found a woman that's happy to humiliate & torture him. :)

  3. Masochist reporter (thinking to himself): "I'm in love!"

  4. The flaming wreckage that was wrought by Kaleigh McEnany was a sight to behold. Her grouping proved her expertise, but was lost on her opponents. She strode triumphantly away to the cries from the bitters who, in Dickensian fashion, pleaded for more. They should be careful what they wish for, and I will replenish the popcorn knowing they lack care. This is definitely a bookmark.

    Paco, kindness to elders proves you as a Christian and gentleman, but to label Biden as a nincompoop may too kind.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Yeah, the new press sec is fun. She waits for the inevitable and inane 'Gotcha!' and returns serve. It's been entertaining.

    Now I want a togel.

  7. A friend of mine, who is a professional public information specialist, was awed by Kalieigh's performance.

    And it takes a lot to impress my friend.

  8. Ace definitely has a way with words:

    Meanwhile, a new poll finds that 28% of Democrats want Biden swapped out for someone 10% less rapish.
