Saturday, May 30, 2020

Sunday funnies

Just what Australia has been waiting for (H/T: David Thompson).

That one looks a little underdone (H/T: Ditto).

Courtesy of Savage Chickens.

Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell engage in snappy patter in His Girl Friday.

From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".


  1. That Star Wars TWIP made me chuckle, but the one appearing just before it , "Only a Star Wars fan can see it" had me wondering if it was real, or photoshop. That photo may be a good gauge of your Star Wars cred. :)

  2. Is that a prison? How did a wild boar get inside a prison? And did any of them think: if it can get in, I can get out?

  3. r-man

    I saw it right off, but you could be correct about a photoshop "enhancement".

  4. Well, that's another Big Thing off the list. And this one has a vocal capability. Neat!
