Monday, May 4, 2020

This woman's self-regard has risen higher than a weather balloon

Michelle Obama:
“You know, the day I left the White House, it was painful to sit on that stage, and then a lot of our folks didn’t vote — it was almost a slap in the face,” the former first lady added.

“It wasn’t just in this election, but every midterm, every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up,” she said during another point in the film. “After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”
Imagine that. Some black people weren't as enamored of the Jug-headed God-King and his Divine Consort as the Obamas thought they had a duty to be.

Has there ever been a more narcissistic, self-centered duo in the history of American politics? The Clintons, perhaps, come close in some ways, but I'm pretty sure even they didn't believe a hundred percent of their own b.s. The Obamas genuinely appear to think that they are God's (completely undeserved) gift to America. The mind reels at the never-ending display of such towering amour-propre.


  1. I read that she called herself the Forever First Lady (You know she capitalized it in her mind).

    If they were characters in some dystopian fantasy any decent editor would take them out as too outlandishly ridiculous.

  2. Narcissim, thy name is Michelle Obama.

  3. I read that she called herself the Forever First Lady

    And James Woods apparently knocked her off her pedestal.

    (From Ace, but the link won't open for me.)

  4. She was her daddy's little princess right?

    Some girls never get over that - I have personal experience.
