Thursday, June 11, 2020

Ace of Spades: our modern Paul Revere

Ace blows up National Review for a "Two cheers for Antifa" piece that he's been predicting for quite awhile.

The enemy is within the gates, and it looks like house to house, street fighting, man-the-barricades time - polemically and literally.


  1. Ace is predicting urban warfare. I say that when push comes to shove, the hard-core Marxists in Antifa will melt away, leaving the marshmallow Marxists (college students, BLM dupes, and all-around low IQs) ... cannon fodder, in other words, to face off with the authorities. It will be pathetic.

  2. Well, if our authorities don't wind up kneeling in solidarity with the militants (a lot of that going around).

  3. The kneeling is going to make the rest of us non-kneeling Americans a whole lot unsafer when some thugs demand we kneel before them.

    I wonder when the first person to get in trouble for not kneeling.
    Or if there's already been some incidents.
