Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Autonomous zones: not so popular in North Carolina.

There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that this bogus Black Lives Matter charity is a subsidiary of the perfectly legitimate organization Pigmentation Activated Charities Online.

Somebody who knows just a little bit more about constitutional law than I do is also upset with SCOTUS's adventure in sexual taxonomy.

Don Surber posts his own assortment (which includes the terrifying news that this is Accordion Appreciation Month).

"Black Rifle Coffee Launches Tactical Caffeine Delivery System".

The suave and clever Smitty updates an old Simon and Garfunkle favorite.


  1. All the money donated to the real Black lives matter gang goes straight to ACT BLUE. A whiter bunch you'll never find. Candice Owens dug up the paperwork.

  2. Well done, Asheville Police.
    I heard that the folks in Snohomish turned out in force - armed force - to keep the protests from turning into riots.
    Meanwhile, the Citizens of CHAZ are stealing from each other.

  3. Meanwhile, the Citizens of CHAZ are stealing from each other.

    I find that hard to believe. What would any of them have, that would be worth stealing?

    Bricks? A room in their parents' basement? An unused college degree?

  4. C'mon, Jupiter. You need to work on your aim.

  5. The Black Rifle Coffee Company sells some fine beans! I'm drinking some this morning, in fact.

    After suitable grinding and brewing, of course.
