Friday, June 12, 2020

Further proof that the recent insurrection and the media voices supporting it...

...are not driven by a thirst for justice but by a rabid desire to rewrite our history and undo the work of the founders - "CNN Contributor: Statues of Washington, Jefferson Should Be Taken Down".

Update Kundera knew what he was talking about...


  1. I can guarantee that "CNN contributor Angela Rye" will insist, with all sincerity, that every single signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States was a slave owner, and ALL of their accomplishments are "tainted" with "crimes against humanity", including, most importantly, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (conveniently rendering them meaningless).

    This notion has been batted around on social media for several years, and the first time I noticed it was during the debate over the constitutionality of the ACA (aka Obamacare). You see, because the Constitution "was created to preserve slavery, why is it still considered valid regarding anything today?"

  2. Re: the Update.

    One thing Marxism and Islam have in common is that everything that came before is "disbelief" and "reactionary", therefore must be erased.

    It is always "Year Zero" to the totalitarian.

  3. Destroy it's books, it's culture, it's history. Then have somebody write new books...

    Wait, for someone to do that after everything old has been destroyed, wouldn't they have had to already learned to read & write under the tutelage of the old culture? Wouldn't that taint anything they write in their "new books"? I would think, at a minimum they would need to develop their own new language, alphabet, and grammar, before it could be considered acceptable as "new". Otherwise, you're giving credence to the old culture you want to destroy.

    Yeah, I'm way overthinking this, but the rampant stupidity on display lately is getting on my nerves.

  4. they would need to develop their own new language, alphabet, and grammar

    r-man, I get what you're saying, but have you heard them talk on the teevee? Seriously, whattheverlovinfuck are they saying? Whatever it is, it's not standard American English.


    Oh, wait, I forgot: "standard" English grammar is, in fact, RAYCISS!!!
